Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter

Touch hair

What is the meaning of seeing a goat give birth in a dream?

Dreaming when collecting white ants

Saying la hawla wa quwwata in a dream


Wife friends enemy

Water coming down wall

Beds in dream

Mom very sick taking in muddy water

Refrigerator missing iin kitchen

My friend was possessed

Turmerice and lemon in dreams

Dreaming of green maize

I had dream of find big amethyst stone

Strangers in a dream

I had dream of find big amethyst stone find big amethyst stone

What does it mean when you dream a large predator bird catches and eats a young boy in a tree?

Filtering fermented cassava in dream

Car ride with strangers

Eating fante kenkey in a dream means what


My boyfriend lying to me

Road changing

I was reading

Vast oceans

Eyesight is shaking

Dream three months baby walking

Killing some one with a machete in shelf defense

Dream three months baby working

Truck dragging a person

Truck pickup

Dreaming of mahangu flourish

Dreaming of a little boy holden large amount of money

Bald man grey suit

I saw my grandmom putting kala tika on me in my dreams

Moving seats in meeting

I saw in my dream a logo of shell petroleum

Wedding dress covered in cow manure

Eating my own foot

Eggs in a freezer

Worms in wounds

Blue ant

Red snake with blue streaks in house with lions outside

Red snake with blue streaks

Trying to find a toilet to clean your butt

Electrical wire in dream

Two heard animal

Wedding dress filled with cow cow manure

Warms on my itchy scalp

Wearing wedding dress in a cow barn

Jibreal dream

A teacher dreams of bathing in front of her students

Being in a different

A teacher bathing in front of her students

Sister-in-law wearing wedding dress

Wearing yellow helmet

What does a black pegs mean on a dream?

House collapsing with water

Bathing with sea moss

Seeing your husband and his side chick

Broken leg bone

Shooting dream meaning

Boy birth

Gold getting stolen from temple

Man sees his girlfriend gave birth to a boy

Bone leg

Man wearing black dress

A woman coming out of the ocean

Old people home dream

Little girl stabbing pony

Someone giving food in a calabash means what in the dream

Jimmy buffet fishing

Fox biting my dog

What is the meaning of buying garden eggs in your dream?

Seeing !!! exclamation mark in the sky

Someone asking meaning of number of the months

Pulling needles out of your feet

Drinking alot af water but still be thirsty

Dreaming with a wedding cake falling on the floor

Dreaming about queen elizabeth coin

Cousins come in to get me after depression

Dragging someone behind my truck

Earrings falling out

Sniffing by police dog in fream

Steel cup of water

Broken pine tree branch covering front door entrance

Dream of eggs hatched yellow ducklings

Pulling out impailed nails

Seeing yellow ducklings born cracked eggs and they died a while after they were born

Eyes swollen and different colours

Sledding on christmas

Yellow ducklings being born and then they all died

Round hose

Uraddal vada

Red roundly crystal

Meaning of the symbols of plucking ewedu leaf seen in dream

A man laughing and nodding his head.

Fight for a red crystal

The stomach falling out

A friend being pregnant

Seeing church leader seated in ablack cloth

Inside a closed business

Thorn under right foot

Father gave me feather

Mother gave me gold earings

A man laughing and shaking his head.

Search for dream meanings.

Driving behind log truck and logs fell off onto my car and surrounded it but no one was injured

Duel fight to death

Dreaming a man laughing and shaking his head.

Chasing a little demon

Sled nailed to old house

Cedar log

Gramma is asking me to help bathe her

Collecting rape pwapwa

Dead person is calling name of sick mother

Waiting number ticket

Rice in the dream

Rotten food in a refrigerator

Getting rapes pawpaw on the tree

Looking behind

Carrying cooler of rice and chicken in the dream

Calling of sick persons name in dream by dead family members

Walking with a healer

Being push off a boat by a love one

Dreaming a coconut falling on your head

Baby in car seat

Dream about your crush and his sister

Breathalyzer rest

Being push off a boat

Dean wemen with hours leg

When you dream about the colour blue?

When you dream about the colour bleu?

A woman with one leg horse

Protective suit

Saw a person hump on his head

Bird caught in a web


Girlfriend wearing black clothes

Dreaming of light coming coming out of your hand

Giving your enemy a nice cloth in a dream

Me deceased mother called me on the phone

Slippers in toilet

Baby boys

One eight degrees

Missing steps in a stair

Buying lunch meat

Pocket watch in

Feeling of missing someone


Dry mopane worms

Foriegn country dream

Ex with someone else and they have a child

To see someone polishing my shoes

Dreaming want to buy mopane worms

Climbing a ladder and picking yellow lemon

Set and three

Carrying baby on dream


See goat with four kids


Unfinished house in dream

More than one closed brown envelops packing it on handback

A cat turning into a goat in a dream

Catholic preist

More than one closed brown envelops

A cat turning into a goat

House collapses and someone is inside

Catholic preist in a dream what is the meaning

Word spoken treasures

Big hole in earth

Big holes going into earth

People hands cut off in the dream

Amara dream interpretation

Dreaming about donating blood

Musk melons in dream

Joining a gang

Dry lizard

Buying a clock in my dream

My dog came to me in my dream

Dog died and i dream that she dug herself out

Carrying a bucket of water on head

Driving on the rocks

Dream of helping my dead grandmother to walk

Pregnant with a rock

Dream with elephant and hippo

Viande cabrit

Why did i dream that my husband slept on our couch during the night with bed covers on him?

Cleaning teeth white teeth

Dead mom asking for clothes

Climbing and entering unfamiliar crowded houses

Dream of shoes pocketbook to match

Three rings in a finger

Icon in a dream

Wearing security uniform in a dream

Clocking out

Dating a wealthy person

Child in danger of falling and not listening to my warning

Jewish man puttinh on his jew hat before a cermony.

Dreaming of umhlwehlwe omhlophe qwa and inyongo

Waearing security uniform in a dream

Child on balcony ledge

Umhlwehlwe omhlophe qwa ne nyongo

Dreaming of sorghum grain

Cleaning someone compound

Dream seeing a jew putting on his jew capbesidr a jewlady

Continuing to see two prophet in a dream by challenging on a word of god

Someone angry with you in your dream

Dream of wearing

Wearing flat

Arousing same gender

Feeling another females private area

Bloody kiss

Bloody kisd

Dream of my son who passed

Stepping on neck

Friends sisters and brothers

Seeing people spraying my sister money in the dream

Dream of someone dancing and been sprayed money in the dream

Ppl i grew up with

Boil on foot

Dream of an engagement ring

Give bangle to god

Three candles and goat

Foutain water

A lot of cooked meat

Woman sea

Woman comming out uf sea

Dog drinking water from a tap

Lots of roasted pork

Woman coming out of the water

Dad hitting me

Three white candles and white goat

Husband grass standing

Non muslim praying namaz


Walking down crowded church isle

Butcher, farm animals, one leg, kids, a man, a farm lady and stars, a farm, a field

Blue bunny

Disappearing tattoo

I dream my aunt was sharing garri for us

Bridge break down

Father hit son

Unbury a grave

Giving out raw meat

Writing crush name on sand

Dreaming of seeing black eggs

Dreaming of ex on new moon

Throwing fork stop sign

Hair oiling dream

Catching a dead fish

Friends girl friend snitches on me

Late night drives

Ripe plantains

Pulling copper wire out of fingers

Tuning piano in dream

Blackheads on thumbs

Pulling copper wire out of hand

What dose it mean if you find out that you lost in a dream and find a way to go back to home or your destination?

Hens running towards their nest

My boyfriend is a priest

Dreaming of mayhem

Eating bread in a dream and sharing with a friend what dose it mean

Losing a bracelet

Washing red pepper in dream islamic meaning

Demon throwing me

Seeing ex husband

Hearing ex voice

My ex boyfriend giving me two bouquets of roses in pink and red

Seen my mom naket in dream by she still alive

Being a famous actor

Registering at a school

Dream of covered with a caw dkin

Climbing floors

Climbing different floors

Baby with a sickness dream

The meaning of the symbols of living,house, beside and river seen in a dream

Baby with cancer dream

Sleeping on ground or floor

Dead fish with worms

Foot cut blood

Mushrooms growing on feet

Some removes the skins of my hands

Someone cutting my stomach

Dream of casava dough

Random boy suddenly appear in my dream

Dead wake up while burial go on

Dead lady giving red colour saree

Semicolon tattoo in arms with a boy

Not muslim wearing hijab

Dad breaks ankle

Something beaten

My with all white hair

Dream about frying eggs

Shoe heel list

Controlling electronics

Multiple snakes turn into dogs

Damaged sewing machine

To see a young lade push weebarr in a dream mean what

Ploughing oxen with scotchcar

If someone rob powder on some body neck in dream mean

Two women in a bloody fight over me

Cooking two fish

Shark swimming and get frozen in ice

My dead husband in a dream

Dreaming about shoes

To dream of picking nutmegs on the ground

Dreaming about a closet

Wallet having a hole

Picking dream meanings

Wallet with hole

Sand gravel

Okulota nga okwat enswa

Ashy feet

Meaning of tied grass

If we see tubewell in dream

Boyfriend balding

Red gram dal dream

S ing ashes unintentionally

Vegetable stew in a dream

S ing ashes by accident

Hawking ice fish in dream what does it mean

Child greeting meaning in a dream

Pouring milk abishegam on idiot in dream meaning

Last night dream curd

What does it mean to be gi?

Gold bells

Hens flocking to their pen

My dad was sitting with snakes and frogs. i then cut the head off the snakes and my dog ate the frigs too protect my dad. but my dad was not scared of the snakes

Dream about man wearing feminine clothing

Wearing a scarf

Scarf on head

Scarf on hewd

Dream of scarf in head

Enemy giving fruits

Buying a house in dream

Pull objects from your thumb

Folding washed laundry and putting them away

Losing a green headphone set

Receiving eucalyptus leaves

Putting away laundry

Asking clothes in dream

Dream of wet shoes

Being friends with a celebrity

Dreaming someone burned me with sage

A man have no pubic hair

Smoke coming out of an oven

Dreaming of my child greet me

Pot boiling a red drink

Haunted house blood in sink girl in forest

Picking something you like

Seeing husband marrying his ex in dream

Saw a flying white horse i my dream

Big pot boiling sorrel drink

Cutting person up

Hanging from a tree

Someone wearing spoilt sandals

I dreamt about more than two alligators in the midst of my siblings and my children but they were calm and not attacking

What is the meaning of dreaming kabaka of buganda when is moving at night with four children when all are in coats?

Windy trees

About sorrel drink


Dreams of mopane worms

Qhen you dream of not bieng a virgin in umemulo but you know that you have never slept before

Mud animals

Poorly new born baby

Climbing into the mountain dreams number

Wife in white lingerie


The meaning of the symbols of ghost, chanting, om, namah and shivay seen in a dream.

What does eddoes represent in dream?

Climbing into the mountain

When someone is gifted with a cufflink in her dream?

Dream of my brother being dead

Dreaming about my alive brother dead

Harvesting millet

Takigen de cacao

Kabah shifted from its place

Being left in a bar

Urine in a bath

Dreaming of animal intestines and human intestines

My fiance told me to buy vaseline for her in dreams what does it mean?

My dog being wrapped up in bandages

My dog being attacked by another dog on head

Picking up sands to pour on someone three times

Picking up sad to pour on someone three times

I saw myself in a dream where i was sucking my kid sister ?

Someone falling from mango tree in my dream

Someone falling from tree in dream

Sun dog hot

Dog heat

Picking trash in a garbage areas

Dog heatstroke

Dog heatstroke neck

Dog heatdt

What does it mean when i saw myself in a dream sucking my younger sister ?


Seeing plenty new stacks of money in front of a door in my dream

Dream meaning of my son involved by accident and died

Dream of eating pounded sorghum

Eatables in potty dream

Pus filled pimple on ear

Miniature deer

Giving someone cooked yam in the dream denotes

Picking money in a dustbin

Roasted chana spreading everywhere

Potatoes in potty dream

Potatoes in dream

Rice and water dream meaning

Fried pieces of food falling on dirt

Tailor taking measurements of my body

Rockstar has eyes

Dreaming of my dead mother being sick

Doll kissing

Plenty gallons of palm wine

Meeting a leader

Dreaming to lust

Meaning of a dream being denied eucharist in church

Lust dreams

Dream removing extensions in my head

Dreaming of dead chicks in an egg

Talking to a keader

Seeing palm wine flowing out of palm trees

Fitting with the police

Seeing a palm wine tapper

To dream being denied eucharist in church

I dream a helicopter land in my house


Head being crushed

Police on top of a horses

Dreaming of a close friend having promotion

Dream of a close friend having promotion

Escaping from lions

Giving birth dead baby

Fire blocking ur drive way in ur dream

Gold biscuits

Police and a horses

Dream being suffocated by ow

I was being threaten

Lots of bees in dream

Dreaming of sleeping on the floor

Killing me and eating my meat

Seeing hazrat fatima in dream

Dream about going to a new school, being welcomed by everyone their and being popular

Forgetting friends birthday

My deceased grandpa giving me money

Dream of being poured soil on the head means

Bouflot in a dream

Goose berry


Lizard dreams

If you are a girl and a another girl leakes your private part

Eating sorghum meal and russian in the dream

Hollywood dream numbers

Fungus house

I saw there were spots of fungus mold in starting of my house and some lady was asking me to cut them

What does it mean to be doing pos business in a dream?

Gooseberry seen

Dream someone driving me recklessly

Laughing so hard with a ex

Alone with children i field

Someone throwing drink ar me

Fish caudal fin in dream

Getting a car

Babys head exploding

U should buy taxi in dreans

Washing wife hands with clean water and green leaves by husband

Bird stool

Dreaming about diging in a big farm

Pastel dream

Dead preserved dogs

Driving a taxi in a dream

Sitting in the palace with a king in a dream

Strange half closed market

Water mixing with palmoil

Python swallowing a hyena

Shinny nails in a box

Dream uploading photos on fb

Three suns in the sky crossing each other

I had a dream of freshly born black sheep

Snakes many coming from the ceiling

Dreaming of taken pictures with a president

Dream of catching ishwa

Visit of old classmates

Eggshells lined up in my dinnign room

Power bank in a dream

Being in the midst of successfully women

Alcohol as a gift in the dream

A headles dog

Eating daal bhat in dream

Giving toilet papers to people in a dream,spiritual meaning

Eating a lunch

When someone give you a gin in your dream and you drink it?

Swallowing pound coins

A colleague driving with me on pothole road

Half baby half dog

Worm coming out under my nail


Meaning of goat giving birth to triplets in dream meaning

Jutho bhadaa and khana

A black cobra in a dream which number is that

Seeing yourself serving people and lead to food

Dreaming walking with someone that you want and you fail to cross the river

Cockroaches in a dream which number is that

The dream of gold teeth which number is that

The meaning of my books falling inside the water in a dream

Planting of red peppers

Dreaming someone dig a bug foundation

Dreaminhmg about flour

Dreaming about cooking oil

Small fish teer nombar shilong

Pregnant woman receiving cocoa yam in the dream

My crush dating another girl

To. see your hand bag in water them you later removed it and dry the things inside the bag

Dreaming in a very wide hole

Someone putting dextrose on me

Dream funnel web spiders

Dream of receiving three star ⭐

Spider sting

What is the meaning of being a goal keeper and a goal was scored at me in a dream?

Two eagles freed from the cage

The meaning of the symbols of son, hit and bus seen in a dream.

Tall crash

Tall crush

Why do you argue with my dead mother in my dreams?

Dreaming of a tall crish

Given a torn clothes

Throwing insects

Black in a dream

Ifa meaning of cutting bananas

Dream about group of people eating

Women cooking meat

You dream your ex girlfriend saying she dream about you

Hedge cut to floor

Cheating in frontof me

The meaning of the symbols of refusing water seen in a dream

Cut hedges

Roses submerged in water

Saw red cow in my dream

I saw red in my dream hitting me with it head in my bum


Dreaming another person beautiful

Seeing someone doing


Damon r

Dream of your child is death

I saw a goat and a dog together in my dream

I found myself in a slum area in a dream

Dreaming of a man give u pet in a drea

I dreamt of a goat and dog

Dead man giving a bag in the dream

Eating papa or cooked miles

Black monolith dream meaning

I dreamt of tearing the clothes that i had given mom and sis after being angry?

Pulling out needles from your feet | dream interpretation

Faceless beings

Lizard coming out of cooked rice

Received torn money in dream

In dark tunell

Salt scrambled eggs

Salt omlette

In a farm

Dreaming of receiving a certificate from an institution

Cleaning tripe

Dead relative asking

Dodging falling and

Fire in my stomach

Reading quran near grave

Refusing to drink water given in a cup by someone ina dream

Fire and a bird in my stomach

When someone give you fanta in a dream?

Sampaguita flowers surrounding my house

Refusing to drink water given in a dream

What does it mean to pack in bags of water into a store house in a dream?

Running from gunshot

Que signifie ramasser des termites ailes

Buy pounded yam in a restaurant

Killed people

What does it mean when you dream you killed an army?

Sheaf of grass

I was washing three glass cups

Roasted pork in the dream

Money in your account in a dream

Three snakes attacking me

Eating candy in public dream meaning

Pool of snakes grab my wrist

Seeing big river raising

Fleeing on a horse from pursuing people

Baby snakes in a pool with me

Killing five leopard in dream

Snakes surround me in water

Fresh palm kamel

Rivers flowing in opposite directions

Snakes binding my wrist in water

Family took police stopped and were with us we were trying to hide it

Toy frogs surround my bed

Swimming pig

Toy frogs

Snakes on my wrist under water

Hole kitchen

Hole in the kitchen

Carrying a corpse in the cffin

Dreamed of a dead person in a coffin i never seen before

Wrong home

Carrying corpse in a coffin

Snakes around my wrist under water but i was not afraid

Ex is cheating on his fiance with me

Stairs too steep to climb

Dream of talking to my dad

Mrut ma kapade mangana

Pens being stolen

Letters on forehead

A woman giving you sugarcane in dream what does it mean

Street flood

Getting poked in your eye by daughter in law

Someone pouring water in my ears in the dream

Mother beating daughter for academic success

What does it mean when someone is trying to use me for money ritual in the dream?

Visiting unfinished mansion with a friend

Vine covered childhood home

Dreaming of my child greetings me

Husband wears panties

Visiting unfinished mansion

Dream of visiting a big unfinished mansion

R50 dream

With friend on a plane

Some promise me money and later ask for my account number

Snakes on a boat

I had a dream seeing myself in my secondary school

What have dream about?

Using a handy tool to dig literally


Deceased father carrying a suitcase

Damon brand

A dream of sitting on the top of anthill

African velvet tamarind fruit in dream

Ants eating honey

Seeing someone selling bed

Honey with ants

Dreaming while breaking virginity and seeing blood

Torn garment in a dream

Seing a child being bullied in my dream

Roasting goats ovals

A man talking good about someone

Chirping of birds in dream

Spelling your name in a dream

Talking good

Removing feathers on chickens in dream

Feuille de macabo

Food preparations

Hips chain

Sead person performing ritual

I dreamed about pluto

Cheating on an exam

Unfinished church building

I was a boar

Dreaming of wearing a torn dress

Dreaming a village headman what numbers

My family and i were boars

There are two lemons on which there is a knife kept

Dead person perfoming pooja in dream

Accused of killing in a dream which i did not

Lemons and knife

Dead grandparents giving blessings in dream

Feuilles de macabos

Dreaming of seeing dead bodies in a hospital

Head detached from body

Dry blood on sheets

Maize harvest

Dream seing maize being harvested

I saw a big dinosaur on the roof of my house and then it is eaten by a snake

Perfume bottle broke and all it s ed

Septic tank dream meaning

Dreaming about a person from the past

Flooding water all mountain and people all deep in water and die

Dead mother sick

Luggage exchainging in dream

Stab in the back

Arab in the back

Dreaming about spiders

Baby was vomiting

Sucking my mother dream

Buying bitter cola in dream means what

What does it mean when you dream about being high?

Ring down sink

Ring falling down a plughole

Fish pond dreanumber

Fish the pond dreanumber

Drinking from a borehole in a dream

Dream of being

Snake like tranform into a dog

Seeing a black snake with a white head in the living room

Purgatory dream interpretation

Seeing a black snake with a white head and furry skin in th wall of my living room

School bathroom party

Deceased sister giving you earrings

Driving with a license

Mother in-, bathing means what in a dream

Fat woman dancing

Imperial crowning

Beautiful fabric

The meaning of dry and fresh fish in dreams


Flowery fabric

Recover lost phone

Shoes in refrigerator

Receiving jasmine flowers in temple

Recover lost ohone

Eating pap mixed with dirty water

Flowery blue dress

Dreaming the dead is asking. for money

Of being in

Lost girlfriend

Girl ask help

Watering coconut tree in dream

Wedding being cancelled in a dream

Dream bus truck

A woman sitting on a man lap

Plaited hair

Removing thorns from hand

Braid long hair

Rinsing mouth at river

Seeing a baseball cap

Drinking un boiled egg in the dream means what

Wood cutting dreams number

Dreaming of a family member being drunk in your dream

Wood cutting dreams means

Being in the

Deceased spouse ignores me in dream

Seeing husband with two faces

Wash mouth with water from river

Kangaroo chasing me

Dead spouse leaves house without telling me

Empty shop

In the purgatory

Reciting dua ina prayer

Selling raw rice in dream

Unblock pipe

Dead spouse is with his ex and ignores me

Deceased husband ignores me and is with ex

Fish net dream number

Seeing someone going to die but can be save through someone

Dreaming riding an aeroplane

Betel nut flower in dreams

Reaccuring dreams about dead lover

Someone leg being wounded

Six three number meaning

Nandi attacking in a dream

Scorched tongue

Eating braai meat in a dream

Cult holding a line of women spinning wheel

Traditional ao boys shawl

Seeing yourself in a crusade

Interpretation hanging dead

Licking pussy by boyfriend

Bail fruit

Having stitches down my chest

Injured fish

Dreaming with my children driving car someone block our way with car then we turn back running with fear

Snail sticking on my foot

Agora in dreams

Dreaming my grandson put my shoes in a river following river

Husband beating his wife means wat?

Torn rubber slippers

Going for fishing

Driving down a steep road in dream meaning fengshui

Picking red rhododendron in the dream

Crows transforming into eagles

Snatching gold mangalsutra in dream

Eagles flying in a circle

Eagle three formation

Dead grandmother give blankets

To dream of mud stain on a white shirt

Mom telling me bad

Money inside the book

Dog running around you

Scared of dogs

Give birth to a premature baby in a dream

Paster give me moimoi in the dream mean

Dreaming of a person disappearing

What does it mean when u dream about puppies feces in your bathroom?

Seeing death uncle

Deat person are in alive

Dreaming of puppies feces

Hijra robbed me

Dream about wearing a cut slippers

Water under the bed

Seeing your mother injured

Drinking water with feet

Dreaming about dogs bitting you

What does it mean when you dream about rat feces?

Dream of dwarf daughter and marriage

Give birth to a premature baby

My sister my glass of water with her feet

Dreaming of a colleague in your bedroom

Eating red beans

Killing father and son

Spider coming out of someone

I m tooking girl

Dreaming of being in a new school and you see ants?

Grease on arm

Khoi khoi dream meaning


Dream number girls

Kumari the living goddes

Saw kumari


I dream seeing my ex and i heading to a place that he call his home to sleep but this house is very small it can hold only a small small bed not space of nothing els. but the house was so ragged and unfinished. it seem as if the house was in the backyard of someone.

Passed away a women

Eating stars dream meanings

Hiding in a forest field

Red chickens and cardinals

Dream about a bottle of cokie.

Gud ke sapne

Dreaming of iron man shirt

Many champa flower in dream

Silver sindoordani gift

Drinking tamaring juice

Dringking juice

Crystal angels

Eating pork in a dream

Dream of someone standing in front of me

Searching for prople


Snake turn into fish

Black and brown strped coloured squirrel

Honey on head

Nikkah dream means

Nikaah dream means

Seeing lord shiva

Mick jaguar

Sister marrying husband

Dreaming of having three wives

Group of people slaughtering a camel

Group of people sacrificing a camel

Dream gift of clothesby selling new clothes to someone else

Entering temple with slippers in dream

Take money in safe cos already key on

What does it means when you dream your partner is very sick?

What does it means when you dream about your ex getting jealous of your current partner?

New soomaaliwasmo two zero two two four

Dream gift of clothes

Dream of buying animals skin to eat

Dream buying meat skin

Dream interpretation buying clothes as a gift for the man i love

Veritable dreamers

Dreaming of picking

My dead mother giving me sweets

Necklace choking

Dream interpretation of a man selling yellow clothes

Dream about sister giving birth to twin baby

Someone turning into a dragon

Black goat killing in dream

Chicken fett

In car seat that restricted ne

If a girl dreams of selling clothes to a boy or a man, what does it mean?

With my dead mother in bed

Driving on buildings

Dreamed of an angel holding my hand

If i dreamed that a dead person was preparing a bday party for a living person

Losing tips of fingers

See ing roti in dreams

Of mice and men

Group of people walking through hills and grass lands

Full of slippers in the balcony dream

Falling in love with my neighbour`s daughter

Meaning of eating bread with drink in a dream

Meaning of dreaming eating bread with drink

Coconut tree falling to the ground

Dreaming of seeing and picking white marshrooms

Zombie horse

A lot of people with a gunshots

Dead body hanging in new moving in house

Someone asked me to be his girlfriend

Squatters were all over my property with open markets and venders

Injure chicken

Blowing smoke from nose in a dream

Blowing smoke in a dream

Wearing school uniform lucky number

Radio announcer

Rain ice

Picking up a car foot mat in the dream

Sit belt


Apha uneka izingubo zabafana

Rice and sugar giveb for you

Dead girl and alive baby dream

Dead body in front yard dream

Arti mimpi disiram minyak hitam

Muffed by ex girlfriend

Asking for permission to eat



Checking doors and windows

Checking locks in the house

Dream about a music box and your cloth was taking

Plant car

Volkswagen bug

Seeing your younger brother taller than you

Weird smile

Giving a frozen flower

Climbing buildings

Habouring fugitive

Tall buildings climing

Rust screws

Dream of a paperback full of items

Cutting sugarcane in dream by my brother


Golden swan

Old woman with talons

Puppy dog sucking my in a dream

Goalkeeper in a dream christianity

What does it mean to eat meat in ur dreams?

Multi colored painting

Stain on chloth

What does it mean to eat meet in ur dreams?

Reaching for something in a white satin bag

Two friend resembling each other

Discounted shoe slae

Dreaming of white rabbits

Woman yellow eyes

Finding dimes

Protecting a baby from a scorpion bite

Funeral moor

Dead father buy you a plot and clean it

Purple envelope from deceased friend

Mantan minta uang

Dream of lump in my stomach

Dream of lump in ky stomach

Phone falling into water

Negotiating vehicle price in dream

Woke up thinking we had a power cut

My phone fell in to a running water body

Yoruba interpretation for wearing of new clothes in the dream

Meaning of wearing new cloth in the dream

Wearing new dress in the dream


Cannula dream meaning

Meaning of dreaming about eating mahlangu grains

Not been able to pay for a bus ride

Dream digging in banana plantation mean

Hiding and baby seen in a dream.

Gay guy kissing the back of my neck

Present king and queen

Floating big rock

Meaning of standing, bare, feet, public, dirty and bathroom seen in a dream

He meaning of the symbols of walking, bare, feet, public, dirty and bathroom seen in a dream

Four eyed baby

Trouble urinating in a dream

What means dream my dies mother?

Chimmy sweep men

Water ski crash

Pooping glass

Eating cloth by rat

Dream seeing meat

Wat it mean to dream of a deformed little boy

Dream about seeing meat

Forsaken me

Dream about buying meat

Family member drowns

Saw a round make up compact and the liquid bottle

Peeling black garlic

A woman wear blue socks

Killing ants

Military in a restaurant

Boyfriend crying over ex wife

Witch grabing me

Having to pack more than can carry

Dream about some praying but he is non muslim

White weapon

When you see stain curry means?

Telling someone to go away

Hate dream

Red runes

When you see stail curry means?

Seeing immediate conception virgin mary statue in dream

Dead friend/ relative waiting for me

When you see bacteria in puri means?

Carter ar equipment

Visiting my two friend of me because i am pregnant

Wife is leaving for space mission while cooking an egg

Swimming mice

Mice swimming

Being pushed away by a person

Wife is leaving for space mission

Dreaming that i am a pregnant

Stealing a rice from you

People laughing at you

Huge green spider on my legs

Large hand coming out of the clouds

Laughing at me crying

Black cat scratched me

Broken safe

Car inspection in dream


Being chased by a thief and has a knife

Dreaming snuff

Doll with burning heart

African snuff dreams

Walking down a long road